Title Tag mentioning 6 best tips for finding hard to reach contacts. It also shows a girl holding an envolope on her right hand.

Are you struggling to find new contacts every month? Is it difficult to find fresh leads to build your monthly goals?

One of the toughest jobs for prospecting is finding the right email addresses to connect with. Whether you’re a sales professional, recruiter, or simply trying to establish a meaningful connection, the ability to find email addresses effectively as well as lead generation is a valuable skill.

And we’re here to help you hone it! 

Today, let’s delve into the art of email sourcing, providing you with practical tips and strategies to reveal the email addresses of those hard-to-reach contacts.

What Is Email sourcing?

What is email sourcing? It is when you find email addresses for marketing, sales, networking or any other mass communication. The image includes a vector image of a person standing in front of a computer screen holding an email shaped envelope.

Email sourcing is all about finding and collecting email addresses for purposes, such as marketing, sales outreach, networking, or recruitment. It uses different methods to identify as well as gather email addresses from publicly available sources.

The most common ways to sourcing emails, you see, is done manually by searching through websites, social media profiles or other online platforms. We usually source these to identify email addresses associated with specific individuals or organizations.

Alternatively, you can mechanize the task by utilizing automated tools and software designed to streamline the process. These tools begin by scraping data from online sources or using algorithms to generate email addresses based on patterns / common formats.

However, I believe, you also need to note that email sourcing must be conducted in compliance with privacy regulations. It is only to ensure that email addresses are obtained legally and used responsibly. 

How Does Email Sourcing Benefit Businesses?

60% of eCommerce, goods & services and retail companies are personalizing emails based on the past purchases of the customers. It was only 38% back in 2019! These are just the positive repercussions of how emailing and email sourcing benefits your business.

Vector image of 3 people sitting on a table and discussing about "how does my business benefit from email sourcing?".

Now, let’s learn more about the businesses it benefits the most.

Lead Generation: Email sourcing helps your business identify as well as gather email addresses of potential clients who have shown interest in your brand. These contacts can then be used for targeting marketing campaigns to generate quality leads.

Sales Outreach: You also get to use email sourcing to collect email addresses of decision-makers within target companies. It enables you to reach out directly to prospects with personalized sales pitches, increasing the chances of conversion.

Networking: Email sourcing lets you connect with industry influencers, thought leaders, and potential partners by gathering their email addresses from online sources. Building relationships with these contacts lead to high-quality collaborations, partnerships, and valuable networking opportunities.

Recruitment: For HR departments or recruiters, email sourcing is invaluable for identifying and reaching out to prospective candidates for job openings. By collecting email addresses from professional networking sites, businesses streamline the recruitment process as well as attract top talent.

Market Research: Email sourcing also helps for market research purposes, such as collecting feedback from customers or conducting surveys. Gather email addresses of your target demographics to seek their feedback for your product’s improvement.

Customer Engagement: Utilize email sourcing to build and grow your email subscriber lists, allowing you to communicate regularly with prospects. Email marketing campaigns can be used to share updates, promotions, or relevant content, increasing customer engagement.

6 Ways On How To Source Emails More efficiently

It’s no news that 90% of professionals use email as their primary means of communication in the business world. 

Isn’t it a great advantage for us to gather premium email addresses? 

However, in my opinion, there’s a downside to it – the widespread reliance on email leads to an inundation of inboxes. 

The current number of emails sent and received worldwide is 361.6 billion, according to Statista. When you do the math, you’ll boil it down to 80 – 85 emails per user! With inboxes overflowing, you need to approach email sourcing with a thoughtful and strategic mindset.

Vector image of a girl sitting infront of the computer while two colleagues behind her also seeing the screen. The text written beside this image is "6 effective ways of email sourcing"

Capitalize On Your Network

One of the most effective yet often overlooked methods for email sourcing is leveraging your existing network. Begin by tapping into professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, where you may find connections that bridge the gap between you and your target contact.

Another great news with using LinkedIn for your networking is that we’re available on this platform too!, by far, has the most easy to use chrome extension where you can not only find email addresses but create a list that exports to a spreadsheet. We also have exciting offers for downloading and using the chrome extension. Check out the link here!

Advanced Search Techniques

Search engines are your allies when it comes to email sourcing. Utilize advanced search techniques by combining specific keywords, job titles, and company names. 

For instance, if you’re looking for the email address of a marketing director at a particular company, try searching “marketing director email address [Company Name].”

Refine your search by including additional details such as the person’s alma mater or any awards they may have won. These details can help you narrow down the search results. According to a study, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, emphasizing the importance of mastering this tool for effective email sourcing.

Utilize Email Finding Tools

Do you know what’s the biggest challenge marketers say they face? Its data quality! 

50% of the marketers finding it to be the most challenging obstacle to achieve marketing success. Email finding tools can significantly change this prejudice by providing accurate and up-to-date data.

We now live in technologically advanced times where AI is helping us in every part of our lives – including the email sourcing process. Consider using email finding tools like, or Voila Norbert. These tools can scan the internet for publicly available email addresses associated with an organization as well as individuals.

Guessing the Email Format

Another creative approach to email sourcing involves making educated guesses about the email format used by a particular organization. Many companies follow a standardized email format, typically combining the first name, last name, or initials with the company domain.

For example, if John Doe works at XYZ Corporation, his email address might follow the format 

This method requires some trial and error, but it can be surprisingly effective, especially when dealing with smaller organizations that may not have stringent email security measures in place. (Although, I’d suggest that our tool saves tons of your trial & error time.)

Social Media Sleuthing

Social media is beyond just a smart strategy for marketing. Here, people share their professional achievements, interests as well as contact information to reach out to them. Finding prospects through hashtags can be a clever step for email sourcing. 

In fact, Pew Research Center reveals that 72% of the U.S. population use at least one social media site – although the percent of different age groups may vary from one platform to the other. 

Apart from LinkedIn, you can try referring to platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram and even Tik-tok to find your potential prospects. But first, understand which platform benefits your business the most and learn the prospects online presence.

Respect Privacy and Legal Considerations

While your quest for hard-to-reach email addresses is a common pursuit, you must approach email sourcing ethically. Always respect privacy – there is no exception for this rule. 

68% of the consumers globally are very concerned about their privacy online. Ensure that you adhere to relevant regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act.

Maintaining ethical practices doesn’t just have repercussions but it also builds trust with your contacts. It also increases the likelihood of a positive response.

The Use Cases For Email Lookup You Need To Know

When it comes to collecting quality email leads, every industry gets just as interested. If you’re wondering that this is just for the sales and marketing guys, you’ve got to read this list. Every department that gets in touch with the audience needs lead magnets in one way or the other.

Let’s delve into the details now.

Sales & Marketing

Lead Generation: Sales teams can use email sourcing to gather contact information for potential leads based on criteria such as industry, company size, or job title.

Cold Email Campaigns: As a marketer you get to source email addresses to execute targeted email campaigns aimed at reaching new prospects and driving conversions.

Event Promotion: Businesses organizing events can source email addresses of potential attendees to send out invitations and promotional materials.

Recruitment & HR

Candidate Sourcing: As a recruiter, use email sourcing to identify and reach out to passive candidates who may be a good fit for job openings within the company.

Talent Pool Building: HR departments get to build a database of qualified candidates by sourcing email addresses from online job boards, professional networking sites, and industry-specific forums.

Referral Programs: Collect email addresses of employees’ contacts to expand the referral networks for recruitment purposes.

Networking and Relationship Building

Industry Networking: Professionals can use email sourcing to connect with peers, mentors, and influencers within their industry for networking as well as collaboration opportunities.

Partnership Outreach: Businesses seeking partnerships or collaborations, find email addresses of potential partners to initiate conversations and explore opportunities for mutual benefit using email sourcing.

Customer Engagement and Support

Feedback Collection: Enhance the products by finding email addresses of customers to gather feedback through surveys, polls, or feedback forms.

Customer Support: Source customer’s email addresses who have submitted inquiries or support tickets, enabling the companies to respond with prompt assistance.

Market Research and Analysis

Survey Distribution: Businesses can collect email addresses of target demographics to distribute surveys and collect data for market research purposes.

Competitor Analysis: Find email addresses of subscribers of competitors to conduct competitive analysis. Identify potential areas for improvement or differentiation.

What Are The Best Practices For Email Sourcing?

Nothing can go wrong when you follow the best practices. These few simple steps, when followed thoroughly and with discipline, you’ll have better results for your marketing strategies.

Vector image of a young professional standing cross armed with various charts behind him showing positive growth. The text contains, follow these best practices to make the most of email sourcing.

Obtain Consent: Ensure that you have the recipient’s consent to contact them via email. This can be through explicit opt-in mechanisms on your website or other channels.

Respect Privacy Regulations: Adhere to relevant privacy regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CAN-SPAM Act. It includes providing clear opt-out options and honoring unsubscribe requests promptly.

Use Reputable Sources: Collect email addresses from reputable sources such as professional networking sites, industry directories, and opt-in subscription lists. Avoid purchasing email lists from dubious sources.

Verify Email Addresses: Verify the accuracy of email addresses whenever possible to reduce bounce rates and improve deliverability. Use email verification tools or services to ensure that the addresses are valid as well as active.

Humanize Your Outreach: Personalize your email outreach by addressing recipients by name while customizing your messages to their interests or past interactions with your brand. Personalization can significantly increase engagement and response rates.

Divide Your Audience: Segment your email list based on criteria such as demographics or psychographics. Understanding the nuances enables you to send targeted content to different segments, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Give Them Value: Offer valuable and relevant content in your emails to keep recipients interested. Whether it’s educational resources, special offers, or exclusive insights, providing value increases the likelihood of recipients opening while also interacting with your emails.

Improvise Your Content: Craft eye-grabbing subject lines that entice recipients to open your emails. Also, ensure that your email content is concise, well-written, and visually appealing to encourage engagement.

Monitor and Analyze Performance: Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to evaluate the effectiveness of your email sourcing efforts. Use this data to refine your strategies and improve results over time.

Stay Compliant: Stay informed about changes in email marketing regulations and best practices to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness. Regularly review and revise your email sourcing processes to adapt to evolving trends as well as requirements.

Final Thoughts On The Art Of Email Sourcing

In a world where everyone’s inbox seems to overflow, email sourcing becomes both an art and a necessity. But fear not, for armed with savvy search tactics, nifty tools, and a sprinkle of social media magic, you’ll explore email right addresses with ease.

However, let’s not forget the golden rule while being in this ride: respect privacy and play by the rules. After all, genuine connections win over cold pitches any day. 

Each email sourced is a potential opportunity waiting to be explored. Don’t be lost in building templates and sharing them, rather build genuine connections that’ll last for long. 

Whether you’re a marketing head, a recruiter or a businessperson looking ways to socialize, will always be there for you to find authentic connections and fruitful collaborations!

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