The user and the client’s satisfaction is at the heart of GetEmail’s values, therefore, we reconfigured our offer to match your claims and expectations.

  • GetEmail enables you to choose between a monthly or a yearly subscription with no bounding commitment, forbidding you to cancel your account whenever you want.
  • GetEmail offers a yearly subscription which entitles to a very profitable discount and spares you to proceed with monthly payments. This offer is applicable to each versions from Basic to Ultra.

The Getemail team is dedicated to the understanding of the corporate environment. Through numerous chats, discussions and customer feedback, we appreciate the importance of data sharing within a project team or a unit, among others. This is the reason why we designed a corporate offer which can be specifically tailored for your company.

  • Getemail’s corporate offer:
    • It enables you to share your credits or to have multiple users accounts
    • It is to be used in a professional environment and participants have to provide their professional email address.
    • The aim of this account is to provide a convenient online solution which can benefit the team beyond the sole user.
  • You also benefit from a technical and functional assistance 24/7 independently of your location.

This engenders an optimal management of your the email addresses and lead’s information, you would have gathered on your Getemail account. Getemail went forward with these new measures to encourage team work and knowledge transfer, on lead acquisition projects.

We are aware that lead acquisition is a tenuous part of your job. Hence, our aim, despite providing you with an online solution, is to facilitate your lead acquisition process and your job in general !


 Laura Quintard

                                                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer





Although, sometimes considered as disputable, marketing mailing campaign remain a very cost effective way of acquiring new market shares.

Attracting the attention of your future consumers can be daunting, either you are a small business looking at developing your activity or if you are a multinational seeking to expand your market shares. Approaching leads via emails is widely applied through business models emanating from every corner of the earth, independently from the nationality or the cultural habits.

Gathering clients and users from all around the world enabled the Getemail team to grasp the efficiency of mailing campaigns for business development strategies: 

  1. Educate yourself on your market
  2. Document your research with facts and figures
  3. Identify key POC or leaders (through Linkedin, Viadeo, Weibo, Xing etc…)
  4. Find the email address of the person identified WITH GETEMAIL !!!

Some graphs and numbers attesting for the above statements :

Email marketing more effective than social media

email marketing'


The mobility factor highlighting the importance of email communication:

  • 75% of Gmail’s 900 million users access their accounts on mobile devices.

customer acqusition getemail

Source: McKinsey

A Business Development campaign can be severely affected by inaccuracies, in the contact details, of your future prospects. This confirm the necessity to equip your business with Getemail. The most efficient strategy in customer acquisition relies on informative data which reduces the gap  between companies and users. Moreover, the email remains the most reliable communication channel for businesses.


 Laura Quintard

                                                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer