7 Best Free CRM Software for Quick Solutions

7 Best Free CRM Software For Quick Solutions

There are roughly two types of free CRM software, one is called the freemium model, the kind of free CRM we mostly see on the market, freemium model CRMs usually limits the number of free plan users, contacts, storage, and extra features. The second type is open-source software.

However, most of the CRM products on the market are quite expensive as for small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, Getemail recommends 10 free CRM software to help you manage your customers and improve your core competitiveness.

  • Free CRM

Free CRM is the best CRM software in some way. Their free version includes unlimited storage, contacts, and all the basic features. However, the free version can be only used for free for one year, and there is no technical support.

Free CRM’s upgraded version has a relatively nice price for large and medium-sized businesses. The upgrade costs $10 per user per month, including more features, more storage, and technical support.

  • Raynet

Raynet’s positioning of its own market is an easy-to-use CRM software. Its free trial is available for three users, with up to 50,000 accounts, 2 GB of storage, and customer support.

Raynet’s system interface is well designed, with the “Account Card” feature, you can see at a glance most of the information a customer needs, including how valuable this customer is to your company.

  • Interakt

Interakt offers all its plans for a free trial so you can decide which one to go to. Interakt is a great tool for small businesses that needs an affordable and all-in-one solution for customer interaction.

  • Cloze

Cloze has a smart system for finding and managing relationship between your customers. With Cloze, you can easily analyze conversations and find out how are you related to this customer. Their free plan offers a glimse of every other plan they have to offer, the upgraded plan with more features starts from $17 a month.

  • Composity

Composity, another CRM designed for small businesses, this simple used CRM tool can be easily managed by people with or without computer skills.

The basic plan is available for up to 3 users, 750 records and up to 1 GB storage. However, they do not provide customer support for the free plan users. For small businesses searching for an integrated software solution for an affordable price, Composity is a great option.

  • Soffront  

Soffront’s CRM and marketing automation is one of the best in the market, the friendly interface and the complete features has made managing customer information much easier.

Soffront is one of a kind platform that requires you to connect to them to be able to figure out what plans they offers and how you can find your fit.

  • eWay CRM

eWay CRM is one of the best CRM designed for Microsoft Outlook. eWay CRM’s free plan is available to use on multiple devices and email support. It is useful as users can easily customize their workflows, forms and user permissions.


Lastly, GetEmail.io is one of your go-to platforms that will integrate will all of the above platforms with ease! So, don’t miss out on giving our free plan a try too!

How to successfully use LinkedIn with GetEmail?

Let’s start with a few advices :

  • How to target the right audience? It’s very simple. All you need to do is using the advanced research. A new window will open and you can fill this page with your notes on your ideal client. You can choose who you want to contact depending on the location, the current company, the industry, but also some other criteria available if you upgrade your LinkedIn account : funciton, company size, years of experience, groups,…
  • Don’t forget to look at “People also viewed” sidebar : When you visit the profile of a prospect, the “People Also Viewed” box contains others similar to your contact. As a result, you can turn one interesting prospect into several, and you’ll save your own time.
  • Use Boolean Google Search : If you don’t want to upgrade your LinkedIn account but you can’t load a lot of profiles when you’re typing keywords into the search box, you should use Boolean Google Search which will give you a list of LinkedIn profiles.

How does it work? You have to type “site:linkedin.com/in” and then you can add quotation marks (results containing the exact phrase), OR (results that either contain search term A or search term B), AND ( results that contain both search term A and search term B), or NOT (results that contain search term A without search term B). For example : site:linkedin.com/in “Chief Marketing Officer” OR “Chief Executive Officer”

Should you take a LinkedIn Premium Account?

As you probably already know it, LinkedIn has a Basic Free Version and several paid accounts. I am going to sum up the differences so that you can decide if you should take a subscription.

Basic account : With a free LinkedIn account you get all the basics. That means you get a full profile, messages, groups, and the Pulse news feed.  You can only get a total of 5 introductions. The free version of LinkedIn does not allow for InMail while the upgraded accounts do.

Premium accounts :

Job Seeker ($29.99 / month)

  • 3 InMails messages
  • 300 search results outside your network when you search
  • 15 introductions that you can use to have your connections introduce you to their connections
  • Who’s viewed your profile

Business Plus ($59.99 / month)  :

  • 15 InMail messages
  • View unlimited profiles from search results and suggested profiles
  • Exclusive access to key metrics and trends
  • 5 saved searches
  • Who’s viewed your profile

Sales Navigator ($79.99 / month) :

  • 30 InMail messages
  • Unlimited profile search
  • Create custom lead lists with advanced search filters
  • Who’s viewed your profile

Recruiter Lite ($119.95 / month) :

  • 30 InMail messages
  • Unlimited profile search
  • Track candidates and open roles with Projects
  • Use dynamic suggestions as you search to expand and refine your talent pool
  • Who’s viewed your profile


Jessica Lecerf GetEmail

Jessica Lecerf
CMO at GetEmail.io

Comment personnaliser une campagne d’emailing ?

Pour réussir ses campagnes d’emailing et obtenir des bonnes statistiques en terme de taux d’ouverture notamment, la clé réside de plus en plus dans la personnalisation de votre message. Beaucoup de marketeurs s’accordent à dire que la personnalisation est indispensable tant en acquisition qu’en fidélisation clients. La personnalisation des emails peut augmenter significativement le taux d’ouverture de 35 à 50 %, et le taux de clic de 15 %.

  • Veillez à bien segmenter votre base de données : Plus vos critères de segmentation sont variés, plus vos emails seront pertinents. Il est impossible de personnaliser des emails sans avoir au préalable segmenté votre base clients/prospects. Des outils comme SendinBlue ou encore Sarbacane vous permettent de segmenter vos campagnes.
  • Personnalisation basique vs Personnalisation plus précise : Vous pouvez choisir d’utiliser les données déclaratives de vos contacts (nom, prénom,…) ou opter pour une personnalisation plus poussée à partir du comportement d’achat ou du contexte. Par exemple : ceux qui n’ont pas utilisé votre service, ceux qui ont acheté au cours des derniers jours, etc.
  • Création de contenu dynamique : Il existe des outils tels que Movable Ink qui vous permettent de personnaliser vos contenus automatiquement, en fonction de paramètres très précis comme l’heure d’envoi ou bien encore la localisation du prospect au moment de l’envoi. Il est donc ici question d’adapter le contenu de la campagne en fonction du contexte. Vous pouvez par exemple imaginer une campagne qui affichera une promotion en fonction de la localisation géographique de vos destinataires ou du nombre d’achats effectués. Ainsi, vous pouvez envoyer plusieurs versions d’un même message à vos contacts, sans avoir besoin de définir la personnalisation vous-même.


Jessica LecerJessica Lecerf GetEmailf
CMO at GetEmail.io


How to personalize your email marketing campaigns?

To have good results with your email marketing campaigns, especially in terms of open rate, you have to personalize your message. Many marketers say that personalization is the key to acquire and retain customers. Your open rate can increase frome 35% to 50%, and your click rate, by 15%.

  • Ensure that your segmentation is pertinent : The more your segmentation criteria are varied, the more your emails will be relevant. It’s impossible to personalize without a good segmentation. Tools such as SendinBlue and Sarbacane allow you to do so.
  • Basic personalisation vs Precise personalization : You can choose to use declarative data (first name, last name,…) or choose a more precise personalization thanks to the buying behaviour or the context. For example : those who didn’t use your service, those who made a purchase in the last days, etc.
  • Creation of dynamic content : Some tools such as Movable Ink allow you to personalize automatically your contents, depending on the sending time or on the localisation of the prospect when you’re sending him your email. In other words, you adapt your message to the context. For example, you can send an email marketing campaign with a promotion in accordance with where your recipient is or with the number of purchases he has done. As a result, you can send several versions of a same message to your prospects/customers without defining the personalization yourself.


Jessica Lecerf GetEmail

Jessica Lecerf
CMO at GetEmail.io