On a daily basis Getemail acquires more and more credence amongst businesses around the world. Here is testimony for you, from Harrison Gray Search based in the US within the staffing and recruiting industry.

Harrison gray search

  • What challenges did you face prior to using Getemail ?

‘It can be challenging for us to reach out to new client via email, without knowing their address and can spend a lot of time guessing what it could be/searching for it.’

  • How did Getemail contribute to improve the quality of your daily tasks/missions ?

‘Yes, this provides an easier way for me to get in touch with potential clients or

  • Did Getemail help you reach your objectives (if yes please briefly explain how) ?

‘This saved me a lot of time, instead of searching sites to see if there is a directory,
guessing what emails could be or just not sending emails because I give up–this got me
to potential clients quickly.’

  • Is Getemail integrated in your Business strategy ?

‘We are trying it out and I think it could be very helpful for us.’

If you would like to discuss futher how Getemail can benefit your business, get in touch !!



                                                           Laura Quintard

                                                                                                                                       Chief Marketing Officer







Since so many of our users use Salesforce, we have just released the connector for Salesforce!

Getemail facilitates your process of saving and exporting leads from the dashboard of your Getemail account to Salesforces.

How to connect your account to your Salesforce Account

Step 1

Step 2


Every 5 minutes, parts of your contacts will be exported to Salesforces.

Please give us lots of feedback!


LinkedIn hides information from you

LinkedIn might be the leader in social networking for the professionals, still it doesn’t always show you some reliable informations about the person you are looking for.

“Get email” will always need some informations such as: first name, last name and the company name. So when you get to a profile that doesn’t contain those informations, for example if you find “LinkedIn Member” the tool will be unable to find the email address for you.

So, the rule is simple:

No name on the Linked In profile, No email found with!

See below:
linkedin member

The reasons why Linked In shows “Linked In Member” instead of the real name of the person is: you have a connection degree of more than 2 with that person (you’re not directly connected to that person, neither is a person you’re connected with).

To be clear, say you’re visiting profile P and you want his/her name.

You’ll have his/her name if:

You                 -(connected to)->                 Somebody 1                 -(connected to)->                 Profile P

Instead of the name of Profile P, you’ll have “LinkedIn Member”, if:

You                 -(connected to)->                 Somebody 1                 -(connected to)->                 Somebody 2                -(connected to)->                Profile P

Clear enough? I hope so 🙂

If you want to know everyone’s name on Linked In, you might need a paid LinkedIn subscription, which will allow you to see the names of any profile you’re looking for.

Enjoy & LinkedIn

Salma Flissi
Marketing manager


How do I get the best possible email accuracy with

Hello everyone,

Many of our new users test a bit, get what they think as bad emails, and then draw the conclusion that is not reliable.

Email validation services are NOT reliable

So first of all, let’s talk about how to find out if an email is good or bad. There are email validation services on the Internet (such as,, etc … check this article for detailed information : ). However, these services ARE NOT 100% reliable (because of the limits of the technology they use), that is, sometimes a correct email will be analyzed as bad, and other times a bad email will be analyzed as good.

So, if you test the emails finds against these platforms, this will not prove the emails are good or bad. does not turn mud into gold

One of the main reasons why the emails are NOT good is that the data you provide is NOT good. That is, in order to find the right email addresses, our algorithm needs to have good input data: name and company of the people whose emails you’re looking for. If you provide poor quality data, that is, false/incorrect names, outdated information about companies where people work, this will ultimately lead to unreliable emails. We’re able to correct this up to a certain point, but definitely the more accurate the data you provide, the more accurate the emails you’ll get.

We’re  Artificial Intelligence and Big Data experts, we’re not alchemists, we cannot turn mud into gold 🙂 takes up to 10 minutes to fully find & verify the validity of an email address

However, sometimes, it may happen that GetEmail gives you wrong email addresses. If this is your case, it is BECAUSE YOU DID NOT USE GETEMAIL CORRECTLY.

Please read below how to proceed in order to have up to 97% OF CORRECT EMAILS.

When searches for a particular email address, it launches lots of processes in parallel, in order to find the email you’re looking for, in real time. After a couple of seconds, most of the time, we’ve already found a possible email address, even if we’re not yet sure this is the good one. Because you want a correct email address, but you also need it quickly, we’ve set up a trade off between speed and reliability. So when you’ve sent a request to we’ll display the email address we reasonably think is the good one as fast as possible. After we give it to you (by the way, with all sorts of warnings and disclaimers, if you read our comments), we continue to fully test the email we’ve found, until we’re sure it is the correct one.

The complete process of searching an email takes 10 minutes, sometimes more. It’s only after this, that we’re able to give you a reliable email address.

This is why some email addresses we provide are bad: because we’ve displayed them for you before we were able to fully test them.


Please proceed as follows :

  1. send as many requests as you want, insert as many prospects as you want into You can do this by using the Google Chrome Extension, by our API, by hand one by one, by uploading an CSV, etc …
  2. wait for 10 minutes
  3. extract the prospects you’ve harvested by downloading the CSV file with all your contacts

Now, some of you will say, “deah … wait for 10 minutes for every email is too much”. NO, you don’t have to add a prospect, wait 10 minutes, then add another one, etc … You just add all of them as fast as possible, in parallel, then, when you’re done, wait for 10 minutes (once), and download all of them at once.


How many credits do we use on


Many of you wonder how many credits they will pay when they use, so here’s a clear explanation of how it works.

If you’re using the Google Chrome Extension

When our algorithm is searching for an email, it will follow 2 steps :

Step 1. SEARCH for the email.

Step 2. VERIFY the email, to make sure it’s the right one.

When using our Google Chrome Extension, the “Step1. SEARCH” will take 1 credit, but “Step 2. VERIFICATION” is free.

So, there are 3 possibilities :

  1. We have not found any email. You don’t use any credit.
  2. We have found an email, and it passed the verification procedure, it’s most likely a good email. You’ll use 1 credit.
  3. We have found a possible email, but it DID NOT pass the verification procedure, son the email is NOT good. You’ll still use 1 credit, because we’ve used a lot of computing ressource to find that out. You’ll use 1 credit.

If you use our “VERIFY” feature

Every email verification will use 1 credit. If you send several times the same request, it will not use any additional credit.

If you use our “COMPANY” feature

Every request will take 1 credit. However, please be aware that the emails are NOT verified. If you want to make sure the emails are correct, you have to pass them through the “VERIFY” feature, and eliminate the bad ones.


Welcome to GetEmail, Laura!

Hello all,

Last week we welcomed in our new Marketing Officer, Laura Quintard. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh and has decided to pursue a professional career within the IT world.

She will be in charge of the implementation of the marketing strategy for Part of her duty is also to provide an excellent customer service and ensure that every questions and clarification regarding our solution are dealt with. Hence, I invite you to get in touch with her for inquiries about GetEmail.

Gabriel CIAN


moi small

The reality behind the magic of

Hi floks,

I’ve just found a nice article on the net, explaining in great detail some principles of what we do automatically, tens of thousands of times per day, here at

For those who want to know the reality behind the magic, here’s something you should read:

Cheers to all of you,

Gabriel, cofounder of


Company directory launched

Hello everyone,

We’ve just launched a company directory, that will list interesting data we have about companies and their employees emails :

It may look not interesting like that, when you look at it, but the day you’re looking for a specific job title inside a specific company, and you’ll stumble upon our page, you’ll be happy.


Gabriel, co-founder at