You have sent thousands, or even tens of thousands emails, thanks to one of the several exiting email marketing softwares such as MailChimp, and you have now a lot of results and statistics that you have trouble understanding… Dn’t worry, we are going to make them crystal clear for you, so that you will be able to know if the results of your email campaign are as high as you hoped.
The first indicator you have to look at, is the open rate. This is a ratio of emails opened over emails sent. It allows you to know if your object and sender were relevant. A good open rate has to be higher than 40%.
Then, you have to focus on your click rate, which is a very important indicator, because it helps you know how many people clicked on your links, and went on your website or landing page. So, this indicator allows you to mesure the interest that your recipients showed in your message, if they were attracted by what you offer them and if they can be turned into prospects or customers. A good click rate depends on several parameters : relevance and attractiveness of the contents, format of the links, etc… When your click rate is at least 10%, you can consider your email has been relevant.
To finish, if your activity necessitates an online registration, just like GetEmail, the third indicator that will let you know how successful your email campaign is ; is the conversion rate. This is the number of people who signed up on your website (it can also measure the number of people who have bought your service). The conversion rate is obviously correlated to the quality of your message, but not only, it depends also of the quality of your website. Indeed, if your registration process is not very clear, or ask for a lot time from your recipients, your conversion rate will be affected. So, what is the ideal success rate ? It has to be at least 10¨%, but for the conversion rate that measures the percentage of people who buy your service, it will be lower.
Let’s take a concrete example. If you send 1000 emails, here are the results you should have : at least 400 openings, 40 clicks and 4 registrations.
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